A reference work for those who wish to know more about Madeira wines. It is full of facts and figures, but also filled with corresponding tales, to give more historical, cultural and geological insights. The aim is to place Madeira wine in a wider context, together with wines from Porto Santo, Madeira still wines and Madeira Rum.
Madeira: wines of an island, island of wines.
Find out more about Madeira island: the very even climate, the green and wild nature, its flowers and ferns all year round. The history of Madeira, being the hub when ships were discovering the world. And of course Madeira wines: the styles, the producers, tasting and gastronomy.
Most inspired by: meeting the wine makers
My motto: wine is culture in your glass
"I congratulate Jeroen Bronkhurst on his thoroughly researched, readable book on Madeira and its wines. Madeira wine can be a somewhat impenetrable subject - this book demystifies things in a clear and concise manner. The illustrations, old and new, bring the island to life. I commend it to anyone wanting to know more about Madeira".
Author of ‘Madeira - The island and their wines’
“Madeira Wine Today is a large, handsome hardcover book, with an elegant, minimalist cover that starts with stunning photography. It is the the vivid, beautifully composed pictures that bring Madeira to live in a way that text simply cannot.
This book is a delight from start to finish. It’s full of little crazy gems. Beautifully conceived, designed, written and edited, gorgeous to look at, hold and read, this would be the book on Madeira that I would choose to give to someone.”
Tamlyn Currin | Jancis Robinson.com